Monday, 30 May 2005

Deeply flawed

Tony Abott was interviewed yesterday on the ABC about what it means to be a Christian and a politician. He was asked whether or not various political elements were trying to commandeer politics...and emphatically denied it. Nor surprisingly!
What is interesting about Abbott of course is that he is recognised very publicly as a deeply flawed person. The recent debacle about his giving a son up for adoption, who then subsequently turned out not to be his son...left no one in doubt about how deeply flawed he could be.
He is of course no more deeply flawed than I am! Or perhaps I could more happily express that in reverse.
The non-Christian public, of course, doesn't seem to to get that Christians are flawed. They delight in the spectacle of Christians caught, as it were, with their trousers down. Christians deserve this, generations of pomposity and claiming the high ground are exposed all the time; and no more so than in recent years when the hideous spectacle of sexual abuse of children and other vulnerable people is being ever-increasingly flaunted in the media.
So, though I am not keen on Abbot's politics, nevertheless, I am glad that he is a brave and flawed man.

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