Monday, 13 June 2005

Serves me right

This morning I had to send an email to one who over a decade has tried to make me read a weekly photocopied newsheet he writes. I have told him in the past that I didn't want to receive it.....and though it took some time he did stop sending it to me.
Today it arrived in my email!! So I suppose it does serve me right.
It does make me reflect that if you are reading this somehow under-sufferance, unsolicited and a thorough nuisance....or anything else I write for that matter. Please let me know and I will do what I can to stop it.
It adds a whole new electronic dimension to Matthew 5:11 and serves me right for being so opinionated.


Anonymous said...

Keep writing your Blog Stephen.I mostly enjoy it, even if I don't have much to say.

Stephan Clark said...

Thank is a curious pursuit (blogging) sort of like letters to the editor. But there is a sense of arrows fired in the air ....where they land who knows where.

Shakespeare I think...or apologies thereto