Friday, 1 July 2005

Forthcoming arrangements

Many will appreciate from a previous series of posts and a general comment made early last month that I am not without my detractors! And why should I be?
However, it's simply not possible for me when I am going to be away (as I will be in the immediate future) to either comment, rebut, retaliate or what ever. In that sense a weblog is an easy target for those who like to attack the defenceless.

As it is MY weblog it is not unreasonable for me to take some control of this. And so, for the immediate future it will not be possible for most third-parties to comment on my posts.
I do this not out of any menace but because I think people might be coming to my weblog to read my meanderings not of those individuals who (under the guise of anonymity) like to berate others with their ceaseless reiteration. It is harassment, and has ever been so.
Only now it is electronic harassment.
Harassment is, I think, selfish and indulgent. It is increasingly illegal, and rightly so. It is deeply hurtful, and harassers seldom heed the genuine pain of those they harass.
I have indeed expressed my pain and that of others to our peculiar harasser, and to no avail. He continues to do it.
So, it is with some regret that I take this step.
But I think all but one of my readers will appreciate why!!

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