Sunday, 31 July 2005

Preserving the integrity of the bush.

One has to commend the Nationals for their steadfast insistence that the third Telstra sale (T3) has to pass the genuine scrutiny (martialled by them) of the people of rural Australia. That this will not be automatic, or easily gained, is as it should be.
Australians are deeply in love with the bush, even if most of us don't live there. We recognise that there is something quintessential about the bush, and that our Australian character is caught up in it. This is more than just a romantic irrationality and we should not be surprised by it.
Many countries have either destroyed much of their rural base (the US) and one recognises how sad the country is about this. Others have acted to protect it (see for example this reflection on the French insistence of the preservation of the rural sector).
Sure, there are elements of protectionism which are infuriating but do we want to see the French rural community gutted any more than we want to see the bush knee-capped.
As we say: Good on the Nationals, hold this government to genuine account....someone has to, and the Opposition seems to have been filletted!

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