Monday, 12 December 2005

Concise poetry

I am rightly chided by one reader for being tardy in my entries this week...the road to hell and all that.... I did come across a site that reveiwed movies in Haiku form...and thought therefore that I would write a short entry in Haiku. And show you how clever I am!
Can't find the site though, it's on the other computer.
Haiku are good discipline (like many things Japanese)......17 syllables (5-7-5)...and you're done.
A VERY good discipline for bloggers. For example

From the curious "Red Wine Haiku Review"
Frei Brothers Redwood Creek Syrah 2002 (California)
Like a candy cane
That fell into the toilet
Gross, but kinda fun

Perhaps I shall try to write at least an Haiku...

Yesterday was church,
quite exhausting, very hot
singing was quite good


Anonymous said...

vestry is over
Thank God for his great mercies
three months till next one.
This does not seem like poetry to me...jsut a load of doggeral.

Stephan Clark said...

doggerel is spelt with an 'e'.

Obviously you are feeling better.....and worse

Anonymous said...

I wonder about doggerel,,,but how to usea spell check on your blog

Anonymous said...

An 'obvious' case of mistaken identity {cf Proverbs 28:1). And jsut what does the SC spell check have to say about 'flea'? Does God blog?