More critique of unhealthy faith patterns
C. 7 irrational thinking patterns common in religious addiction
1. Thinking in extremes: driven by an all or nothing, black or white mentality (no gray; my way or the highway) that causes the addict to be very hard on himself/herself and others
2. Drawing invalid conclusions, not based in reality; global thinking i.e., using words like "never, always."
3. Filtering out the positive and distorting reality. These people selectively hear only the negative and are consequently negative about everything, especially themselves; in response to positive input they say, "yes, but..."
4. Filtering out the negative and distorting reality. These people selectively hear only the positive to shield their already low self worth. They allow in themselves what they would condemn in others. A lot of relational wreckage; the weight of restitution can be crushing when they finally see it
5. Thinking with the heart; feelings become the basis for reality because I think my perception is "certainly accurate."
6. "Should, ought" thinking; constant self condemnation of not being able to measure up
7. Co-dependency; egocentric feeling of being responsible for everything; must be in control; eyes always on the needs of others at the expense of their own
1. Toxic Faith. Arterburn, S. & Felton J. (Oliver-Nelson, 1991)
2. Toxic Faith: A Summary, Jackson, B. (http://www.philosophy-religion.org/criticism/toxicfaith.htm accessed 21.12.2005)
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