Tuesday, 14 February 2006

The dangers of anti-semitism

It is very difficult to write objective criticism of the state of Israel. Immediately you are declared to be anti-semitic....and to that prejudicial accusation there is no adequate defence. You are always made to feel as though you are closing the gates of Auschwitz. What then are you to do if you want to critique the brutal treatment of Palestinians?
The Church of England has been so bold as to divest itself of pecuniary interests in Caterpillar...the firm that provides the bulldozers that wreak havoc in the Palestinian territories. Former Primate Lord Carey has vented his spleen against the decision (see here ). Never one to bow out gracefully he is happy to side with the Israelis who are now doing everything to cause trouble for Anglicans (most Palestinian Anglicans are Arabs) . Read the curious letters in The Jerusalem Post which suggest everything from "return the Crown Jewels' (Britsh Israelitism gone mad I think) to "evict all the priests"..
I have been one who was very pro-Jewish and was indeed a founder member of the South Australian Council of Christian and Jews. I stopped being a member because I could not stomach the haranguing from our key Jewish leader who seemed oblivious to the offence he was causing by his ardent Zionist stance. The more mild-mannered Jews were never prepared to challenge this Zionism, and this is of course how extremism propagates itself.
A likeable enough chap in many ways, there was however never an understanding that Christians might appreciate something about the Hebrew Scriptures. I sat in one meeting as this arrogant man lectured a Lutheran Pastor known to be not only a top Australian scholar but a top world scholar in Old Testament. My colleague quietly acquiesced to this awful arrogance.
It manifested itself in many ways, it was never imagined that we understood anything about Judaism; an error which continues to be made. Eventually I tired of this, I felt that far from improving communication it was providing a venue for propaganda.
This continues ot this day.
Lord Carey's objection to the C of E's stance was that non Zionist Israelis were lumped together with these awful Zionists. He has a point. But in the end the Palestinians are in a much weaker position than the American-supported Jews. If more moderate Jews will not speak up against Zionism, then Christians should.
I am not anti-semitic. I am anti-Zionist. To some the two are contiguous but that is a propaganda ploy by those whose agenda is pretty clear.

1 comment:

Stephan Clark said...

In general I won't remove comments on my blog. But I think that a certain abuse can occur if in making a comment the writer goes longer than the original blog.
As I can't edit other people's comments I will use my editorial discretion to remove those that are too long, offensive...or just silly.
My suggestion? If you want to pontificate at length start your own blog