My two big girls and I went to see Michael Chamberlin last night, whose theme was "The Ten Commandments", K & I were both impressed about how perceptive he was about the nature of religion...a story for another day...my worry is what these comedians, Anderson, Hills and the like carry back to their national TV shows about their time in SA. Already the butt of jokes in the Eastern States (so what? we might say...but surely we want to avoid it if we can) I can just imagine the next edition of the The Glass House with the acerbic Wil(ful destruction) Anderson saying and "In Adelaide the most pressing political issues are: "Gilding your toilet", "banning Rodeos" and "Holidays for fat families". "
Mr X complaining about the Public Prosecutor installing a private toilet in his office; Democrat Kanck launching her major policy as Banning Rodeo ("Animal welfare activists will love it"), and Liberal Chapman...we will give families incentives, like holidays (to where and how much)if they get their kids to lose weight!
Now I am no genius but surely there are more significant issues.
Is the electorate really so shallow that only bread and circuses will suffice?(There is much evidence to suggest this is true and this is not the politicians' fault).
As I drove up the Hill yesterday and looked at the posters I pondered who I was going to vote for, and my two daughters and I were having the same conversation.
Fortunately, contrary to popular rumour, voting is not compulsory....only turning up and having your name ticked off.
Fortunately, too, my vote will not count since our local member Iain Evans will be returned easily. He is a good member...he is being rather quiet. Good strategy when you consider that when the Liberals lose (as they surely will) Kerin will resign and Iain will become the leader of Her Majesty's loyal Opposition. Then they may just stand a chance in 4 years time. But that remains to be seen.
In those days the pranks of the Kancks will have steadfastly destroyed any possibility of dignified support for the once successful Democrats, so he may govern in his own right too.
Oh comedians, please be merciful to politically naive South Australia!!
Perhaps the MPPs haven't heard about SC's Blogs.
Stephen. Have you mislaid "A bit of a puzzle" which you posted on Jan 31 2006? Anon too.
I can't find "a bit of a puzzle" either?
Sorry, I misunderstood what this request was.
The link is here.
It is actually under 1/2/06
and there are 2 posts for that day it is the second post.
the file name is
(not puzz). The wordwrap just cut it off.
Have a nice day
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