With Parliament(s) getting back into swing I could not bear to listen to Kim Beazley tonight. Asked to comment on anything he can twist it and turn it so that no comment is made and the Government is blamed. I tire too of the Government blaming everything on Labor's economic mismanagement when they were in power....that surely is wearing a bit thin.
Likewise on the State scene, I could not bear to listen to Ron Kerin tonight. Asked to comment on anything he can twist it and turn it.... oh sorry have I already said that.
One of my recurrent themes is that I want leadership not political opportunism. This reactive garbage that we get these days has nothing to say about Vision and Ideal, it is about a game ....which is expensive and boring.
Recent research shows that the Labor Party may only have 1000 active members. And is so in the grip of ambitious apparatchiks that they have lost touch with anything vaguely representing grass roots. The ambition of those who want cushy political jobs has the Caucuses by the throat, and will keep Labor out of power for ever.
The Liberals are not far behind.
The time is ripe for a Hitler to walk through the middle of all this and grab out attention. I wish I could stay awaake long enough to do it!!!! And then we could set off and invade Tasmania. Rumour has it that such an Anschluss is longed for by many of our Tasmanian patriots any way.
Even Fraser looks charismatic as we gaze back into the halcyon days of leadership!!
Wearing thin
Twist it and turn it
Tasmania (but no)
Great stuff Stephen
Very evocative words
Applicable to parochialism ?
Please let me know if you need troops from the east coast for your invasion of Tasmania. I've long been jealous of Tasmanians because of that Cadbury factory that operates outside Hobart.
Dear GE
Not being a terribly hirsuit person it will take me a little while to grow a small moustache.
But I agree with you about the Cadbury factory
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