Saturdays are curious. I often have more to do on Saturday than other days; even though the mood of the day is more laid back.
This mood makes one approach it rather differently. The rigid time frame doesn't seem to be so rigid, already I have got up a little later. But this is a plus and a minus...with more to do, perhaps I should be more organised.
Radio is remarkable on Saturday (see last week). Already I have heard the astute Geraldine Doogue muse with another about the impending changes to the delivery of world oil, and changing social pressures and political forces in the UK. I suppose she prerecorded it and is actually lying in bed! Any way, I'm prattling and had better go and get on with it...I'll try and write something more intelligible later on when I feel less assailed!
I like Saturday's on Radio National, too. Do you ever catch "All in the Mind" with Lynne Malcolm at 1pm?
Yesterday's program featured Dorothy Rowe, psychologist and author, who is also "considered one of the 50 wisest people in The UK". The interview was very interesting and helpful.
I heard a little bit of that interview and thought I must get back to the transcript. I was particularly interested ion the way she was discussing that Drs often don't hear the obvious.... I have been depressed since my father died 3 yrs ago
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