- he had a translator signing for deaf people in the audience.He rightly observed that watching the interpreter was a distraction that was well-worth engaging with.
- his optimism is infectious and brings a light touch to his thought which is so much better thanb the smut peddling cynics who just seek to be totally crude and offensively suggestive
- his obvious social conscience is not just anti-government whining but a clear concern for those who need our support...orphans homeless, differently abled
- Hills himself has an artificial foot!
He also asked godparents....What have you taught your godchild? There was not much reply, but Hills has obviously spotted something that the liturgy contains: that being a godparent is about sharing something with your godchild. What, I wonder, do most of us think we should share.
Hills adds that he want to teach his godson what it means to "Tummy thump" (to slap your stomach with uproarious laughter). To live life so that the lines on your face will show that you knew how to live (a comment on the sterility of Botox Society). And to help them understand the real meaning of the English language and what "surreal" really means.
It doesn't mean, he says, being so drunk at 2 in the morning that when you get to the bar and find there is already a drink there poured for you that you say "That's surreal"
It's not.It may be coincidental, even a little bizarre. But it's not surreal.
Surreal is so twisted and surprising that when you encounter it it plays with your mind and you look at the world differently....
...if when you arrive at the bar you find a hippopotamus eating custard and making vodka martinis whilst paintin pictures of butterflies which turn into pyramids...Now that, Hills says, is surreal! And I agree. Very funny. Excitingly challenging, intelligent and great fun.
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