It took me many years to make my contribution to the wit of the 20th Century (No! It's not the rice pudding joke!..or even how you get down off an elephant). But in the late 1990s I discovered it:
Anglicans like to be told what to do so that they can go ahead and not do it!However my contribution to the wit of the 21st century has fallen into my lap courtesy of my youngest dauighter who emailed me yesterday to ask:
On Palm Sunday, why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem? We have an assignment and we can't find the answer anywhere. Thanks
And I replied:
To get to the other sideWell, I think it's funny!
Really Father Stephen !
It is seriously recommended that you abort this Blog before it is 'read, marked and inwardly digested' by too many of your Faithful Supporters (vid. Luke 11:11). Think of it as just one more of your 'throw-away lines'.
AHA (Another Humble Adulator).
You should patent this before the rest of us use it!
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