Indeed so bad are we at geography that we also forget that Indonesia is not a single land mass at all, but rather a federation of island states.
All islands have a sense of their autonomy....we could mention Tasmania, Thursday Island, Norfolk Island and our own Kangaroo Island and recognise that, too different degrees, they see their own uniqueness and have, often, a different sense of their destiny than a centralist government might posess.
So when West Papuans land on our doorstep claiming to be refugees (see here) we need to recognise a number of things:
- there are competing understanding about the status of these people
- there is a huge political imperative to not alienate our largest near neighbour, Indonesia
- there is a popular belief that we will do the right thing and that we will always strive for justice
- these things are not necessarily compatible!
I feel I want to say more, but some howit would be wrong to do so.
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