The people of Bali are really nice people. It is unsettling to hear them thank us so profoundly for coming to Bali. They know how easily frightened we get and they really think we are doing them a favour, when in reality the sort of tourism that goes on there has often been deeply disrespectful of culture and tradition. They work in awful jobs from 7 a.m. till 11 p.m. often 7 days a week. One good chap I was speaking to asked how many hours the average Australian worked.
"48?" he asked. And without going into the subtleties of what's happening with deregulated hours etc he thought 48 hours was small...and was rather shocked to hear that there was an expectation of 38-40 for many/most people. He looked incredulous.
There will me more pictures when I wake up.
For heavens sake! The plane left at 2.30 a.m. (SA time) and arrived in Adelaide at 7.10 a.m. It took about 15 mins to collect bags and get through customs we were home ny 8.30. It's now 11.46 and I got have an hours sleep.
More later
Hope you had a lovely holiday.
It was great. A bit grim coming back to a drop of 20 degrees. Though I had yesterday off and it was nice.
It is a fabulous place but sort of sad. I suspect at one level it is better with less tourism, but it clearly affects people's quality of life when they don't have jobs.
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