Wednesday, 21 June 2006

Trusting Abbott

There is no doubt that Tony Abbott has got a point about Aboriginal communities needing some drastic action to straighten them out. His patronising solution to "put someone in charge"...a receiver or what ever... is one solution. The problem I have is while someone might need to be in charge do you trust smarmy Tony to be that person?


Anonymous said...

smarmy? How gracious.

Ms Smack said...

'drastic action to straighten them out ' oh... you might like the white government showing them how its done?

Seems like it will be a new social justice issue.

They need to ASK the community what they want. They need to ASK the elders to take control. It needs to be a partnership model that secures peace... if the white man comes in, with their opinion of what is right.. it will be seen to be another grand 'we know better than you ' gesture which will reek of stolen generation and no aboriginal rights - again.

Stephan Clark said...

Mr Brough seesm to eb settling in as a better Minister for Aboriginal Affairs than Mr Abbott.
I think your sentiments are right

mushroom said...

He definitely does come across as very smarmy. Regardless of whether he is capable i just dont seem to trust or respect him.