Thursday, 6 July 2006

Naming rights

Someone will be able to have a good go at a thesis based on Blog Names. 
Our host ( spontaneously points people to  random sites when you pull up the index page. This morning it was "La mancha es amarilla", which as far as I can work out means " The spot is yellow".
An Anglican blog circle I belong to puts up this random selection today "Costly Grace" which is perhaps a little more self-explanatory. Another from that same source is "Life of a Baby Priest" which is also worth taking a look at. There are many more.
Our local "Adelaide Index" indicates that creative naming is alive and well in SA. As I look at it now (8.30 a.m.) we see that Max Harris's legacy in the Ern Malley affair is creatively being continued by his daughter on the site Angry Penguin I don't agree with a lot of what she writes but it is interesting reading. And she can certainly get angry.
All this puts my fairly pedestrian "stephenclarks" and "coromandel preachings"  to shame. Though at least they are self-explanatory.
There are thousands more, andthey do provoke a wry smile, a puzzled look or a quizzical grin. Indeed that little list is no doubt fertile ground for new blog names!

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