I feel so efficient as an indoctrinator!
I don't think we should be so cruel. The oldest child says she thinks Trick or Treat will be BIG this year. This is probably divined from the MSN grapevine (anyone over 50 don't even try to understand what MSN might be about).
Any way I am thinking we will have saint cards available and a lolly or too.
As I understand it it is not so unChristian a feast.
Particularly since I am Rector of a Church with a very traditional dedication of All Hallows.
Some people make the mistake of thinking that is about Halloween. But Hallows is an old English word for Saints, so we could equally well be titled All Saints.
Halloween is a contraction of Hallows Even, or the Eve (day before) All Hallows Day (Nov 1st). Naturally as we think about the glory of heaven on All Hallows (All Saints) Day we also think the day before of the other side of the coin...and so the ghosties and ghoulies and four legged beasties and things that go bump in the night get to capture our imagination.
But as blessed youngest S of Blackwood would have you know... we don't believe in this.... it's not that we don't believe in the dark world so much, as we don't believe it exists with the sort of forces and powers that the movies and imaginations gone wild would have us imagine. In fact quite the reverse orthodox Christianity believes that when Jesus died he defeated all that sort of evil.
We need to believe this I think.
One of my colleagues once said to me, these things have the power we give them. The unfortunate thing about horror as a genre is it tells a lie about how powerful these things are, and gives them power they do not have.
So any kids who come will get a nice saint picture....and a lolly too
Likewise, we have dispensed a few lollies, which I think migh have been around for a while, but also asked the kids if they know what Halloween is. The don't and we tell. They listen patiently, nod condescendingly and then go off to chew our slightly aging lollies...which match their owners!!!!!!
As it turns out I didn't get my Saints cards printed, but we didn't get any callers either.
One of the few advantages of living next t0 a church maybe
No wonder Holloween isn't well understood thereabouts. It's a seasonal event, and 'trick or treating' is usually done when the days are becoming noticably shorter every day, and a feeling of death's presence can be felt in the cold night air.
You, on the other hand, are experiencing a warming glow, with the sun hanging about longer every day. Might seem more like time for a resurection, hmmm?
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