Saturday 7 April 2007

Bar the shouting

Strangely, Australians like to shout "Christos Anesti", because Australia has the largest Greek city population outside Athens (in Melbourne) we are particularly happy when Greek and Western Easter fall at the same time as they do this year.
When we were young we were confused a little by our Polish antecedents,the highly decorated eggs known as Pisanki were always a great feature of our Easter mornings, and the special breads such as Baranek, often shaped like a sheep were blessed on Saturday.By far the most memorable treat was the Babka cake and the Sernoik (?) cheesecake which we only ever had at Easter. We don't do any of this now.
Any way. Just to let you know that everything is ready to go.
The churches are set up. The Church of Holy John is back in use after the fire....and looks good.
Two new Christians tomorrow when Elysia and Josie are baptised. Had a great chat to one of the dads today, about how he might be a good parent. Very humbling for me.
And another chat with the other dad yesterday. He too is a good dad.

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