Thursday, 5 April 2007

A good wife

Despite the big T being an appalling workplace, SJ Clark does what she can to bolster team spirit. So she has slaved to make Easter Cakes for her workmates.
they lap them up.
SJ is oft amazed how some of them never seem to have had a homemade cake before! (I don't know why since mother-in-law SI couldn't bake a cake if her life depended on it. She can however darn!)
So there are chokkie goodies (that's Chucklit!) and cornflake cookies for morning tea.

An awful report beganm circulating on Sky News yesterday about just how awful the modern work place is
Family blames Telstra

The family of a young call centre worker has blamed Telstra for contributing to her suicide in January.

It is believed 21-year-old Sally Sandic took her life after months of mounting pressure at work.

The family is accusing Telstra of raising performance targets by up to 300 per cent, and forcing Sally to make an early return from stress leave.

Her mother said she is angry Telstra never acknowledged Sally's success or offered support.

Telstra claims Sally was one of their best employees.

The family is now considering a lawsuit.

It is no doubt true. Why managers don't have the feintest idea about how to build community morale and support their staff is beyond me. But they don't seem to know if their fundaments are ignited.
Good on SJ any way

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those cakes look good
Just like my mum used to make!!