Saturday 13 October 2007

Busy, busy

This weekend the annual Synod (busy meeting) of the Diocese of Adelaide. So blogging will be intermittent.
Last night (Friday)the Archbishop wide-ranged from Sudan to evangelism, from aborigines to the environment. Today there will be money and women bishops, Anglicare and administration.
I suppose it has to be done.
It is always good to get together and have lots of people who you know, and have some common interest with in one place at one time.
Think about us as we sit and listen and try (in my case) to keep our mouths shut.


Anonymous said...

Quite successfully for you too!!!!!
Well done.

Stephan Clark said...

Not quite sure what you mean, my comments were few and far between (one comment and maybe one question). My comment in the women bishop's discussion was, I suppose, 'successful', but rather inevitable. I think our Synod is well beyond the point where women's ordination is a great divisive issue.

Stephan Clark said...

I wonder, dear sister, whether keeping quiet is 'success'. I know it stops me getting into trouble...but aren't Christians supposed to get into trouble.
Maybe that's my problem!!