Monday, 19 November 2007

Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story!

As the election reaches its climax it would seem that some of the more ridiculous and illogical claims will just be hammered and hammered.
Like the strange claim that Rudd will dismantle the Western Australian Mining Boom (not quite sure how you would do this, let alone why?). Rudd seemed to be saying that WA needed to also think beyond the current boom, and that would seem to be obvious. Indeed when Costello was asked on radio this morning if he hadn't also thought beyond the current boom, he blustered and didn't answer the questioner.
I mean WHY would a government dismantle such a lucrative and buoyant section of the economy?
Likewise, but perhaps trickier to unravel...the suggestion that the main aim of Unions is to destroy the effectiveness of business and industry. Now, if you were a working person why would you want to do that? Why would you want your employer to go through the hoop? The short answer wouldn't!
If letters in the Advertiser this morning are anything to go by then the electorate is not buying this anti-union stuff. While one would be hard pressed to justify the claim that the Murdoch press is 'balanced' nevertheless they do seem to publish a range of points of view in their letters. They obviously don't like being flooded by one viewpoint or another, so it is noteworthy that in this morning's paper at least there was not one letter (out of six or seven) which suggested that the Unions are the bogey the Coalition wants us to believe they are.
Can't wait for Saturday!

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