Wednesday 19 December 2007

An affair of the heart

The occasional speaker at one of the two graduations (here and here), said a useful thing (I thought) about leadership.

Leadership is not so much about technique and methods

as it is about opening the heart.

Leadership is about inspiration – of oneself and of others.

Great leadership is about human experiences, not processes.

Leadership is not a formula or a program,

it is a human activity that comes from the heart

and considers the hearts of others.

It is an attitude, not a routine.

More than anything else today,

followers believe that they are part of a system,

a process that lacks heart.

If there is one thing a leader can do

to connect with followers at a human,

or better still a spiritual level,

it is to become engaged with them fully,

to share experiences and emotions,

and to set aside the processes of leadership

we have learned by rote

He was quoting latest leadership guru Lance Secretan, but that is by the by and just because someone charges you $1900 for their homespun wisdom doesn't mean that everything they say is suspect. It does seem to me to be worth saying!

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