Thursday, 8 May 2008

As long as you call it Today

Some will recognise the quote!
To the last prizewinner, I will provide you with the free luxury coffee...and don't count the one yesterday which you provided as your prize.
2 of us have gone interstate because 1 of us has to get an American visa and can't get it without fronting up in either Melbourne or Sydney. There is a certain arrogance about it, but they allhold the cards.
Another 1 of us went to see one of the flock who is dying in hospital, and had an unexpectedly good chat with two of the sisters who were at their brother's bedside waiting for him to die. He wondered who would fly from interstate to be at his bedside as one of the sisters had done.
She had been rung saying time is short and had left almost instantly, her husband was out playing golf or when he returned home there was a note sayingn his beloved was now 2000 kms away...all within the space of a few hours
1 of us got up and then had to go back to bed as the rigours of the season ground her down.
Ah yes!

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