Wednesday 27 August 2008

Very sad

The very sad case of Michael Gugliemucci, pastor of a leading Pentecostal Church, pretending to have cancer and reaping a degree of financial reward from that begs all sorts of questions.
Not the least of which is the venom that is spewed out by correspondents to the local rag. Today, for example , all letters are very anti-Christian and anti-religion. They are, of course also pretty shallow.
But it needs to be observed that in a pluralist society the wholesale ridiculing of people's sincerely held religious beliefs is to be deplored. The sad failure of one person does not give others the right to make blanket accusations about other Christians which are shallow and untrue.
Comments such as "self deception.. is the core business of all religions"and "religion is superstition" are wild and open to question.
More than that they are insulting to those whose religious commitment is genuine, sincere and good. And whose works are charitable, generous and kind.
I think there are all sorts of serious questions about this case that need to be asked. By and large they are not being addressed. The serious questions are being ignored (in my opinion) in favour of sensationalism...but why should we be surprised by that
One of the questions is why a young man who was obviously very seriously disturbed from the age of 12 onwards (all admitted in the press) allowed to exercise such power and control any way.

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