Thursday, 21 August 2008

The way we were

"Will he dance?" was the great question. And indeed he did, and then grabbed the microphone to 'thank' everyone.
ABC2 screened Keating the Musical last night. The great man was in the audience.
Aaaah! The alpha male! Always has to be in control. While in one sense it is about him, he also doesn't get that it is not about him. It is about Australia.
About our curious laughing at arrogance and authority. But then the arrogant do not see beyond themselves. I should know!! (some will say)

I have blogged elsewhere about how perceptive Benedetto is in this creation. It is indeed very edgy, and should be compulsory viewing for all with the slightest interest in politics.

More than that it reminds us of what a great era the 90s were in terms of landmark decisions and changes in community attitude.

Contrast that with retiring Chief Justice Murray Gleeson's comments to the National Press Club yesterday, that there is too much legislation coming out of the parliament. While he was always cautious (as befits his role) he seemed to be suggesting that we have mistaken legislation for change, when it may just be nitpicking.

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