Tuesday 23 September 2008

The return of the native

K arrived home from America yesterday. Today, as I staggered up the corridor to make a cup of tea at 6 a.m. the house felt strangely complete again. I guess not for long, those days are over now that the break has been made.
Was her trip a 'success', and that of S some weeks before? K seems to have synthesised a lot of her experiences well.
Making a lot of personal observations about people and situations there is a depth about it which is better than tourism. She seems to have realised where she has been privileged, and also where she was not able to observe the true depth of community and society.
There is an identification that sometimes things may not have been what they seemed, that it may have been more dangerous than the false sense of security into which she has lulled herself. A sense, I suppose, that may have been necessary just to get through the day.
Any way, today I am glad to wake up and not have to wonder where she is. And be thankful that she seems to have had a solid eight hour sleep (or more)

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