Tuesday 27 March 2012

Now there's something about source code

I should be wise to myself. Thought I could read one of those lovely library books about writing programs for iPads and follow it.
I was remembering when I did Computing 1H at Adelaide University in 1971.
Do you remember BASIC programming?
It very much seems to be a thing of the past.
So I started this book, seemed OK. Really liked Rory Lewis's style.
Enrolled, at some cost, for the iDeveloper scheme.
Well I must admit that lesson 1 doesn't seem to work. Rorry's promised follow up doesn't seem to be there. On his website he is laughing and smiling. I am sort of sorry, I had thought he was an educator not a conman
But it doesn't seem to work.
I don't want to believe that he is a conman (he may be but I hope he's not)
Probably the real issue is that already (after only six months) this text is out of date. There have been at least two major updates of iOs and of Xcode
It's all well and good to say 'trust me' but you go to the website and what seems to be there is advertising to buy yet more stuff!!

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