Sunday, 11 December 2011

Getting things into perspective

We sometimes think life is about influencing the rich and powerful. Perhaps Christmas/Advent invites us to confront this. For many years Affirming Catholicism SA held a (Pre) Advent Retreat to help good Christian folk get ready for the rush.
Yesterday the lovely Corowood Choir (with which I sing) had a Christmas concert at Disability SA ( where one of our number works)
We were not "great" and they struggle, on a Saturday afternoon. with all sorts of things. Boredom. Lack of program. No visitors. No family.
The last time we sang there I found myself thinking...I hate Saturday afternoons!!

At the end we were thanked by a young woman...who had prepared her notes (  as I write this I cry..) who said "Christmas is a time that makes us happy, and  thank you all for coming and making us happy!"
Our lovely leader Ms J Dickenson said in an email
 ...It was very moving wasn't it to be thanked for making someone happy. I had a tear or two but tried to restrain myself-
  and I must agree with her.
Perhaps this reminds us what Christmas is all about

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