As disturbing as I found The Iron Lady
and Meryl Streep's portrayal of Maggie Thatcher,
I went back to watch Sophie's Choice
(can it be 30 years since that film came out?)
now that is a deeply disturbing film!
It shows:
that Meryl is just a beautiful, beautiful woman;
was then and is now thirty years later;
and indeed a great actor.
We are blessed to have lived in these times
the hey day of the movie
and to have seen such great performances by so many actors and actresses
I think of:
Lisa Minelli & Joel Grey in Cabaret
Helen Mirren in The Queen
The truly provocative and great movies of Pedro Almodovar
And I just remember the first movie I was ever allowed to go and see by myself: Ben Hur at the Gaiety Cinema Whitehaven...well I went with Allan...I suppose we were 11 and we were allowed to go to night cinema .
Then there was The Greatest Story ever Told. As I was on the way to see it my Bible Class teacher, Laurie Crosby,(who was a Borough Treasurer for the West Cumberland water board Now called something entirely different! ) was coming in the opposite direction. He said to me "I bet I know where you're going!" he was right.
But he then said......something like.....I wonder if you'll hear what I heard
Now this is naughty stuff. He should have known that the Spirit speaks to us differently!
But he told me "If they do this when the wood is green what will they do when the wood is dry" Which is Luke 23:31. It sort of ruined the film for me ...because I was trying to work out the 'right' answer....and it has often come back to maybe this was the Spirit
I have drifted from the filmography of the last decade!!! Will come back to it
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