Friday, 13 September 2013

Cheese slices

Always thought one of the more intriguing advertising campaigns was that of the local hotels and wine shops who put up signs saying "Cheese slices"
I am sure many drove passed and wondered!\
But if you got up close it said
....we don't sell them so why on earth would  you think that  Supermarkets should sell wine, beer and spirits"
Indeed the greedy du-oply...Coles/Woolworths wants to sell alcohol from its supermarkets.
It is almost certainly the death of the local wineshop, bottleo!  (In British terms the "off licence")
Woolworths is also "Dan Murphy's"  and Coles is "1st Choice". I think Woolworth is also "Liquorland" and or one or the other of them is BWS (or the other way way around.
So good on the small wineshops like Cellarbrations, who fronted the Cheese Slices campaign.
So I was faintly bemused to go into Cellarbration at Brighton and find that not only were they selling slices, but also gourmet cheese, salami, hors d'oeuvres etc...far better than my local Woolies at Blackwood! Rather defeats the original argument...but we move on.
I certainly was interested when living in Hawaii for six weeks to see how easy it was to buy alcohol ...from the 24 hour ABC stores, the local garage, Safeway, and Walmart.
In the US the "Cheese Slices" debate is over and lost.
I actually don't think it is a good thing, even though it was easy to pop up at 5 p.m. if you suddenly had guests and needed to provide drinks.
Don't really think that making alcohol  more accessible  is actually a good idea. Do you?

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