Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The ephemera of supervision

I have for over 20 years been a Supervisor in Field Education (SFE).
There are lots of problems with this terminology. The principle problem being the word Supervisor.
We tend to think of it as someone who looks over our shoulder to check that we are doing things correctly!
In fact SFE supervisors don't want to smack people for not being "good enough" but to help us gain insight into how we can do better what we actually want to do.
The word "Supervision" an interesting one.....over-sight  
or perhaps in Greek epi-skope
We might think of it as the foreman/person who supervises work being done, looks over it, to make sure it is up to standard. 
And corrects, nopt to find fault, but rather makes suggestion as to how things might be improved.
In this legalistic, brutal, world we are inclined to think that correction doesn't so much mean telling you you how to do it better but that it is about sitting on us when we get it wrong.
This is not what SFE is about.We want to do it better!..
We ALL want to do it better...this is an interesting idea: it is not just about getting you to do what you are told to do, it is about better outcomes for everyone.
Governments beware, you are inclined to tell us how others should behave rather than how society should strive to improve. (lot of butt-kicking in Canberra in the last week!)
In my last incarnation, as Priest to the City of Adelaide, I don't know that we fully understood this but such good burghers as Howard Harris, who was often laughed at, insisted on this truth. And articulated it well...if not with a little eccentricity (more power to him)...if you behave well then good will become of it!
What could be more Christlike

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