Saturday, 16 November 2013

What would you do if I sang out of tune?

Read today of the death of Bill Spofford who had been a Bishop in Eastern Oregon.
It cites him as "prophet, priest, poet and pastor".
It did strike me (children please note) that this how I would like to be known.
The Prophet…who said that the Bishops were selling the Church short!
The Priest…who thought that that there was nothing better than offering the Eucharistic sacrifice
The poet…who maybe wrote a couple decent poems…here for example  and maybe here (as I read this again….I think it is seriously good)  and then a religious one or two (here
Always think of this as my 'lovely poem'

And here is one I had forgotten …it seems…..well, not bad!

A daughter's birthday (10/2/2010)

A daughter is a cherished thing
at once young
then shy and
sometimes sad.
One sings
one shouts
one laughs.
All cry.
And then they sing again.
A daughter is a cherished thing.

A boyfriend is a risky thing.
But a good risk
to take.
He could teach the cherished one
to be a risk taker
he is
invited in
to jokes and tears
and other things
where father cannot go.
Yet this risky man
is God’s gift to my daughter
that both may blossom,
and, so, I yield but
he is, nevertheless,
a risky thing.

A daughter is a risky thing.
She will touch the heart
you have so carefully hardened
and make it burn
with pride
with joy
with song!
If ever singing stopped
now that would be
a dangerous thing.
A daughter
(and I am blessed with three)
is worth the risk
is the risk
must take the risk
and love

and be loved.
A daughter is, indeed, a risky thing

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