Sunday, 1 December 2013

Weasel words

The Scottish Church writes about Civil partnerships (here)
I reckon this is an advance…but it is not straightforward!  For heavens sake, you Bishops stop being so pathetic. Start aligning yourselves on the side of right…and not on the defensive!!
I long for the day when we will affirm that there will be no difference between the way we treat gay and straight people
And that Bishops might feel free to go to what ever functions they like!
I am 61, and I have decided "Bugger it!" (I am an Australian after all) I am going to do what I think is right. There must be some privileges in getting old. If the Bishop (of Adelaide) wants to take me to the High Court and contest my tenure for contesting his discriminatory and arbitratory rules (about classing same-sec unions and/or marrying same-sex couples) then so be it,   let him do so!


Anonymous said...

Calm down!

Stephan Clark said...

Why should I calm down!!!!?

Stephan Clark said...

Justice is not something that one should be calm about!!!

Anonymous said...

It's good to get things of your chest.
I also find when you write your concerns down - then review the likelihood of them eventuating.
Nine times out of 10 the likelihhod will be remote.

I don't think any Bishop would be taking anyone to the High Court.

Would they?

Stephan Clark said...

Who knows?