Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Go to the Fringe!

K and I had a lovely evening after work on Monday, cheap tickets for a show (you can subscribe to a daily email list of half-price shows...cost me $9....cheaper than the pictures!)
Dinner at Taj Tandoor on Rundle Street, 4 entrees between two...best way to eat Indian food!
The the Best of Edinburgh on the balcony at PJ O'Brien's....an amusing space looking out on the Farden of Unearthly Delights
Must say PJs is dingy...but they do serve Guinness (maybe the two go hand in hand!)
But the balcony/veranda is a very atmospheric space. K did note that they didn't actually have seating they just kept putting seats out for the extra customers!  And we prayed the creosote covered balcony didn't collapse under the weight!
Three acts under the compereship of Allan Anderson (Rolf Harris look alike....for reasons he will explain) The standout Ian de Montfort psychic comedian (given that I am also a 'de Montfort' descendant I think he is presuming a little too much) ...I liked the mad boys "Foil, Arms and Hog"   (Fr Ted on crack?)
But will certainly understand that they are not everyone's cup of Guinness!

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