Wednesday, 15 October 2014

vote for the black guy

It's fantastic living in the Western Suburbs of Adelaide. There has always been ethnic diversity here, and long may it remain. Last Sunday the non-S (ie K) Clark & I were doing authentic Vietnamese in Ferryden Park. One of the local government signs I passed said 'Vote for the black guy!'
I did note that if it said 'Vote for the White Guy' there would be hell to pay...however
I have noted at other times: the rules for voting for the Senate or the LA when you don't want to vote for a party and have to chance a choice between a wide range of others. my (partly tongue in cheek) rules are these
  1. vote for the woman
  2. vote for the black guy
  3. vote for the gay person
  4. if you can vote for all three then you are doing well
I would want to add
5 don't vote for a gun-toter.  though I am a member of the Royal Hawaiian Gun Club....we are better offer without them


Eric said...

Most commentators agree that the gun-toter elected to the NSW senate was elected by accident.

The "black guy" was also a lower house candidate at the previous election. He came across as unconventional in his advertising

Stephan Clark said...


Meredith said...

This was a lovely blog posst