Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Another year- get a move on...there's more to review!

Adelaide had a great Fringe...and we just went to things spontaneously. It was a good way to do it, and I am looking forward to this year's particularly since we will be having a series at St Mary Mags (3 entertaining music afternoons Sundays 1, 8 & 15 March)

Lots of interesting questions about the blogosphere, is the traditional West (of which I count Australia a part) got any right to regard itself as "Christian"...the evidence is thin on the ground. Most people I come into contact with are  now happy or perhaps "brave enough" to identify as non-religious. I think this is probably better than pretending to be a Christian when most/many people have not the faintest idea of what that might mean.

The great political diversion was same-sex marriage. Perhaps better and more happily styled "marriage equality".  I hope we are moving to a society where everyone has the opportunity to make a lifelong commitment, if that is what they feel called to.
I personally feel that children (who are often the weapons used in this discussion) benefit not by the gender of the adults who care for them.....but benefit by having two people who commit themselves to see that they have support for growth in education, emotional growth and indeed humanity!
If two women (and many do) decide to parent children they are likely to do a good job.  I would like to have had two mothers!
I also think it is possibly a bit harder for men, (because we are not too bright!)  but certainly have encountered relationships in the last year of men who are deeply committed to their children, grandchildren and stable family life. Indeed the gay men I know best have been in relationships of 2, 3 & 4 decades...even Barrowman (who got married in 2013......) has been in a relationship for 20+ years.

But as I say all this is a diversion!

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