I met Spencer, for so he was ever known , when I went to St Mark’s College, Adelaide in the early 70s. He was at that time a Lecturer in History of Education at the University of Adelaide.
But most of his students sussed early on that he was boring and lacked the capacity to deliver… a dull voice and he had a total lack of awareness that he was NOT connecting with the couple of hundred folk who were supposed to receive his wisdom. His content was rock solid, so thank goodness he provided good notes ..in the days long-before it was usual for Lecturers to provide same.
Spencer was born in Oldham, Lancashire c 1916 He was privileged to go to Manchester Grammar School, one of the schools which straddled the state/private school system.
He went to Kings College Cambridge in the pre-war period and consolidated an already expansive knowledge of modern history there.
There is a record of his commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Intelligence Corps on 25 Jan 1942, my memory is that he served in the Middle East and particularly in Cairo (prior to the Israel ‘resettlement’), and then subsequently in Africa as a functionary of the Foreign Office burning unused currency ( a funny story for another day)
Post-war he tested his vocation at the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, Yorkshire -(https://www.mirfield.org.uk/) but did not proceed to profession. He was however prepared for ordination and duly ordained ( not a 100% sure but maybe for St Nicholas Leicester or Coventry…by Bp Guy Smith (c 1952.) or perhaps Cuthbert Bardsley for Coventry...am thinking the latter)
Spencer subsequently came as a ‘missionary’ to be a Bush Brother in Queensland [ maybe the Brotherhood of St Paul, or the Brotherhood of the Good Shepherd…not sure which]…either way he drove outback Queensland in a Mini, which was a miracle in itself. he was a fairly hair-raising driver!
(Spencer (L) with the saintly Fr Percy Smith a pioneer advocate and pastor to young indigenous men in Alice Springs, and Port Adelaide watch the Charles Perkins video here )
He was seduced to Adelaide in the 60s to be a Chaplain at the University, and then to be a senior Lecturer in the Department of Education. He lived as resident fellow at St Mark’s College until his retirement c. 1980.
Spencer was tragically killed at Edwardstown, South Australia when struck by a motor vehicle on 3rd July 1982 at about 11 p.m. outside his home.
His funeral was held at St Mary Magdalene’s Church, Adelaide and his burial at St Mary’s on the Sturt 1163 South Rd, St Mary’s. Archbishop Keith Rayner presided at the Funeral, and I officiated at the burial. Many of Spencer’s friends and students were present and a fine young cohort of univeristy and St Mark's students acted as pall-bearers.
“he was a good priest…and I liked him”
In 1964, when I did Education 101, there were notes....and we had taken none by en$ of term, because he spoke in sentences as long as Cicero’s and i5 was impossible to take notes! How I passed I know not!
But. Liked him as chaplain of Ang Soc.
Kind to say
...Spencer or being kind..,... was totally unaware, I think, that he was not communicating.
And like a steam roller., in conversation he just kept going...and and going...and going...and on and on and on...
I am glad for eccentrics, both academic and Anglican...but they are testing to those of us who think we NOT eccentric. Spencer at least was just oblivious to this
I am now older than my friend `was when he was killed...and not ready to die...and he just seemed ancient.
I often quote one of his sayings..." if it's a choice between being intelligent or being Kind...then you should always be Kind"
I think this is the mark of a true pastor...which curiously he was...a difficult personality, intellect and what ever..but he just understood that Jesus wants us to be kind and loving
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