Tuesday, 28 March 2006

Bread and circuses and Blair

We could reflect whether our political leaders think we are more in love with bread and circuses than with issues. (There actually seems little doubt...we love a good firework).
Is Prime Minister Blair's visit also a seeming firework...whilst looking like something of serious intent? People on both side acknowledged his speech in the High Court of Parliament was pretty damn good....but what did he actually say?
"Ra Ra let's stick together!...Ra Ra. Saddam is pretty noxious. The world is better off without him."
Well I think most of us probably thought he would say that any way. It's just that he says it rather well.
He is in fact a travelling circus. Sent here to rally the troops.
But probably also to get out of the kitchen for a while. Maybe he is a breadbaker too!

1 comment:

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Right-o, you are spot on with your observations. Thanks for visiting my blog, it's fun to connect with other Anglicans around the world. Have a blessed Lenten season!