Wednesday, 29 March 2006


We will no doubt continue to hear about curious workplace dismissals for the next fortnight, and then we (fickle as we are) will grow tired of this and forget.
While the Unions are blaming absolutely every dismissal on the new workplace laws (and there is no doubt a truth in that for some of them) it would be a long bow indeed to place every dismissal at the doorstep of industrial reform.
A relative told me yesterday, for example, that someone was "escorted from the premises" at her work during the day. I immediately wondered if this was opportunistic behavior on behalf of the particular employer. More than 30 seconds of thought led me to dismiss that conclusion, but there is here a warning about how easily we can accept simplistic conclusions. We just as easily get over them.
This, to me, seems the dangerous dynamic about not being as careful as possible about workplace conditions. People become frightened, compliant and silent.
Unsure about whether or not there will be recourse available, people simply capitulate. Knowing that legal action is expensive it simply doesn't become an option for most people (even with an alleged government system of aid...$4000 won't go very far) .
The net effect is that the work force becomes more compliant. Which is obviously desirable on some fronts. But when "compliancy" means pressure to decrease work place benefits (we don't have people on $4/hour...but our great ally the US does!). While we are complaining about the great dilemma that the employed, far from working less in the 21st century, are now working extraordinary hours. This too becomes a matter for compliancy. Will society tolerate people being dismissed because they will not sacrifice their family life by consistently working 60 or more hours a week?
Of course the fear mechanism will cut in and mean that people will just comply. We will only see in 50 and 100 years time what has been the social effect of these phenomena. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose!!

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