Saturday, 22 April 2006

The grinding mill

I will be interested if any commentators understand the significance of the adjacent picture.....
Any way, the telephone reconnection saga is proving to be more trying than the passport saga (see the entries for June 6-17, 2005 ....and by the way I did witness another lady in the GPO yesterday trying to convince the passport officer that she had a birth certificate, a marriage certificate, and various forms of ID, but he was not going to allow it....that another story )

The problem with phone issues is
  • The call centres don't have enough technical expertise and so constantly pass the calls alleviate their pain I think
  • You never speak to the same person twice, so there is no continuity
  • They don't log their calls properly, so there is not continuity
  • They can't even get their phone numbers right, so there is no continuity.
  • Technicians are now contractors, so they cannot make independent decisions
  • Their reports are slow getting back into the system so there is little continuity
  • Even when they do get back into the system they do not flow evenly through it so there is at best erratic continuity.
You may be wondering what this is all about, the story is not unlike the Hoffnung Bricklayer story and so I will let you wonder what it may be like. But without phone, occasionally without water, and now without even forwarding to my mobile....if you need to ring me then ring 0407718786.
I am hopeful, but not optimistic, that it may all be sorted out my mid next-week

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