Thursday, 20 April 2006

Virtue its own reward

Still having trouble with the phone. Hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow. And we had a little plumbing disaster too. So amidst the screaming and shouting of trying to shower this morning...I was trying to say to my cohabitants....these are only minor much we take for granted. Plumbing has been fixed, I think.
So I am feeling quite virtuous at being so tolerant, obviously Easter hasn't worn off yet!
Hopefully it won't.
Oh the photocopier ran out of toner and I have to wait in for the man to bring a replacement...oh virtue abounds. How can these machines just run out at a moment's notice?
Of course Ikea opens in Adelaide today. I doubt that my patience will extend to having to assemble DIY furniture. Deep breath, calm! Deep breath!

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