I oscillate between a certain delight at being so confronted with a society's frailty, and enjoy being able to say 'you can't reach us on the phone'. [There is a certain reminiscence of days gone by when phones were few and far betwen]
The Generation X-Boxers have never been without them. Indeed many of them have never been without a mobile let alone a landline.
So there is something disturbing about it all.
My delight is tempered by the uncertainty of not actually knowing whetheranyone or who is trying to ring and about what.
Add to this my ongoing whinge about modern day appliances. I find it disturbing that in a technologically advanced country I now assume that all items should be checked on the eve of warranty expiration. In the last year two cameras, and ipod, a laptop and a number of other items have failed that test and been repaired under warranty.
The not so great Brave New World
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