This glorious day (Friday last) what looked liked a young male whale was sporting off Basham's Beach at Middleton (see the amazing bikeway here)
Those of you who know how to spot whales will see it immediately. Others will have to accept it in faith, I was there I know. (John 20:24-29); but some will doubt.
For Christians whales are a sign of resurrection. I think this is witnessed each whale season in SA (which is now).
Apart from the proliferation of whales at the ehad of the Bight, which by all accounts are abundant this year (see various current references here).
Forgive me my annual indulgence, because each year you meet people as you gaze intentionally out to sea....longing to catch a glimpse, dying to see the fliup of the tail. Evereyone is filled with a profound sense of expectation. And there is such a goodwill that it is palpable.
No one wants to turkey slap another! Everyone is eager that their neighbour should share the experience. And there is a developing patience and quietness which runs so contrary to our culture that it must be a good thing.
Take the opportunity, and slip to Port Elliot, or Victor and see what you can see. If you can get to the head of the Bight then terrif!!
But remember: Christos Anesti! Aleithos Anesti! [Χριστός ανασταίνεται. Αληθινά ανασταίνεται]
Just wanted to check that you have seen Whale Rider?
Wow! That really is an amazing cycle path!
Yes, I have seen Whale Rider. A curious film in parts but spelling out something of our connectedness to the creation, and of the sadness of indigenous peoples in NZ.
But (don't start me on whales) the return of the whales to our southern Fleurieu is a glorious thing. If we Christians had ever needed to be convinced of the suitability of the whale as a resurrection symbol then just wander around watching whales and you are drawn into incredibly beautiful and hopeful conversations.
In the latter part of the 19th century we were a murderous whaling centre, hundreds if not thousands of whales were killed for blubber and its taken a century for them to return.
Hope for the hopeful!
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