Monday, 29 October 2007

It's time to go

It will come as no surprise (if you could care less) that Big Brother host Gretel Killeen will be dumped before next season (here). (It may come as something of a surprise that the whole format which rated so badly last season will return at all!)
I don't actually know what the last season was like as I couldn't bring myself to watch more than 30 seconds of the total inane rubbish. More tellingly the three Misses Clark didn't watch it. And as they are the targeted demographic that is much more important.
Constrained by the watchful eye of authorities when the whole of Australia witnessed a sexual assault two years ago, the last season was pretty careful to avoid the heavy crudity and the blatant promotion of promiscuous sex that had increasingly become the ratings-grabber.
But the truth is the format is old and tired and they should let it go.
So, it is inspiring really to watch the ABC's equivalent ...The Abbey... where 6 women have lived in a cloistered monastery for 33 days. It bears comparison with BB, because many of the dynamics are the same...locked in community with people you never knew, exposed to public view, and unable to escape.
But the quality of what is possible when this process is regarded as constructive and not merely titillating is inspirational. The 23 year old Tusa (who could be a typical BB housemate) was really struggling with important things in last night's show...what do you name as God in your life?, what is important in life, and so on
All of these women impress me as having entered into serious reflection, and made obvious constructive steps towards some pretty important self-understanding.
The contrast with Boring Brother could not be more stark.
Get rid of BB and bring on the Abbey. Hopefully it is a sign that we want something more out of life than cheap titillation.

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