Monday, 5 November 2007

Not feeling very afraid

An interesting campaign (which is presumably based on some research) against Peter Garret. Today's press says how the senior mobsters, Downer and Costello et al, are warning the electorate to be 'afraid, be very afraid' of Peter Garrett. The imputation being that some how he has an hidden agenda which has not yet been declared which is going to turn the country upside down if and when they get elected.
Well I don't feel particularly afraid. Indeed most Garrett aficionados want him to have done more, but there is a political reality about this that has to be faced. Attractive to people because of his greener credentials, some could well be afraid that he will be decidedly more attractive to younger voters than Malcolm Turnbull. Younger voters think the green stuff matters!!! I don't think the stuffy older set (on either side) have got this through their incredibly thick heads.
So yes, Downer and Costello should feel afraid; but I don't!

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