Could you believe the poe-faced Costello running out to point out to the electorate that Peter Garret's off the cuff remark that all would change when the Labor party is elected meant that you can't trust anything. (here)
Drawing the longest bow possible Costello was suggesting that they would most certainly change, tax-cuts, climate change, water, energy...heaven knows what else.
Now Costello might have some high ground to stand on if it wasn't for the fact that the last two Liberal governments have broken promises hand over fist, and weighed in with the IR laws for which they had no mandate.
So earlier in the week ....oh what's the point they are all much of a muchness
Just thought I'd let you know I like your blog. I find it interesting and intelligent and tend to agree with a fair bit of what you say, however I'm still completely atheist. The concept of god just makes no sense to me.
Thanks for that, we do what we can.
As for the "concept of God", we don't require a religious test before reading the blog! But nor do I want to hide it.
I would be happy to dialogue with you about it more if you want.
In modern terms you might ask what is most real for you? There you might begin to find what is meant by God.
But thanks for your readership
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