You should untangle your computer cord every now and then.
Yesterday I slid the free wheeling shelf under my computer desk and it slid completely out. The phone fell on the floor, and the broadband which has been touchy for a fortnight stopped working.
I looked down at the floor and thought 'I don't know where to begin' though not quite as bad as the mess at left!
It had to wait for a day and took me about an hour to unravel everything, and extract the half a dozen cords that weren't even attached to anything!!
A little bit more fiddling. I moved the tower off the desk ( crikey Moshe I just had to answer to door to the Jehovah's Witnesses!!...they sucked me in by asking me what I was preaching about tomorrow...of course I couldn't resist)...any way when I moved the tower I pulled the curtain down. But it is now back up. All phones seem to be working maybe still one more to do...and I am making soup for church lunch tomorrow.
1 comment:
These two guys were strangely nice and humorous, not characteristic of most of them!
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